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This is Africa part 2 “If I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa.”

About steve-dylan

Just over 4 years ago I moved to Dubai after a breakdown in my relationship. This was a difficult decision as I was leaving behind in the UK a wonderful son, Dylan. 

I decided then our Summer holiday was going to be special and as we say "boys time". Every year we would pick somewhere special and experience an adventure together and as I am not getting any younger maybe tick a few places off the bucklist.

The first year was to the Maldives where we had an amazing experience snorkeling with Manta Rays, Turtles and Whale sharks. Myself and Dylan have always loved nature, wildlife and photography so we started to look the possibilities of a Safari trip.

Once you start researching you soon realise Safari is a very expensive holiday and well above the sort of budget I could afford. A friend of mine suggested looking at an overland trip. So that's what I did. It soon became apparent that most overland trips don't allow Children especially a 11 year old.  After a bit more research I found the trip that ticked all the boxes. On The Go Tours offer family overland trips for certain destinations. The trip was called "Wildlife, Beach and Falls and started off in Johannesburg and finished off at Vic Falls. I have uploaded a few pictures of that trip (unfortunately we never did a blog for that trip).  This is why this Is part 2. Once you have been to Africa you will be captured by the beauty of this wonderful colourful continent and understand why we are going back in August. I will upload some pictures of the last trip and add useful stories and information prior to leaving (I hope people will find that useful).

So where are we going this time? We are back with On The Go Tours and continuing where we left off. We never had enough time in Vic Falls last time so we have a couple of extra days before start our tour. This year's tour is called Zimbabwe to Zanzibar. The trip covers the following, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia,  Malawi, Tanzania and finishing in Zanzibar.

This blog is for all those Dad's out there that want to do something amazing with there kids even when you don't see them as often as you would like. You can still give them memories they will never forget and be a big influence on their lives.


My Travel Map:

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