About steph
Life is funny sometimes. Mine was following the mold. I grew up in a small town in the french-speaking part of Switzerland. Life was all about basketball for me back then. Later, my first employer sent me to the US for two years, and it was a tremendous experience. After moving back home, I settled into life like everybody else. I had a good job, a car, and a nice place to live. In other words, the average Joe. I used my vacation time as well as I could, filling my backpack for all of a couple of weeks a year. But then something went wrong. I started thinking about this life. Was it really what I wanted? What I dreamt of when I was a kid?
Not really. I didn't want to be a firefighter either. Being a kid, I wanted to be a pilot. I wanted to fly, to go away. Well, becoming a pilot didn't happen, but I still wanted to see other places. I wanted to travel. So something in the life I was leading had to change. I wasn't going to make everybody's mistake and say that I'll have plenty of time to do everything I wanted once I'll be retired. It had to be now. And now for me was April 2005. Quit and sold everything, packed light, and gone I was.
This trip around the world has changed my life in more than one way. I never made it to Japan as I had planned (although it happened some years later, but that's another story). Instead, I met a Dutch girl somewhere on the Mekong, and she ended up being the woman I would marry and have a family with. Our wanderlust genes are well present in our kids: they already ask to see other places, be it next door or on the other side of the world! Our adventures are thus far from being over.
My Travel Map: