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This lady was captured in a very remote area in Srilanka where she has to carry this bag (weekly provision for her family) among these hills where the only mode of transport for these villagers is the local train down beneath the hills. Also the bag as i mentioned above is their WEEKLY provision while such a bag would be just one meal for most of us.Yes, they are so poor.

SRI LANKA | Thursday, 15 November 2012 | Views [575] | View Smaller Image

This lady was captured in a very remote area in Srilanka where she has to carry this bag (weekly provision for her family) among these hills where the only mode of transport for these villagers is the local train down beneath the hills. Also the bag as i mentioned above is their WEEKLY provision while such a bag would be just one meal for most of us.Yes, they are so poor.

Tags: srilanka


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