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Mas Despacio, Por Favor Holly and Spencer´s Latin American Foray to Save the Children and the Whales

Gallery: Santiago

CHILE | Tuesday, 23 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Solar de Uyuni

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 23 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Salt Flats and Desert in southern bolivia
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Solo in the South

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009 | Views [716] | Comments [2]

I´m alive! and kickin baby. So it has been a while since I last touched in here with the ol´ blog. I was just livin ya know? Sometimes you can´t live and write in your blog at the same time. They´re at odds. You enjoy life and be where you are or you ... Read more >

Gallery: Isla del Sol

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

Lago Titicaca
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Gallery: The Mouth of the Beast

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

Bolivian Amazon
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Gallery: Arrequipa/Colca Canyon

PERU | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: The Peace

BOLIVIA | Monday, 30 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

La Paz is very high
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Gallery: a little taste of peru

PERU | Wednesday, 18 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Macchu Picchu

PERU | Wednesday, 18 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Huanchaco-Huaraz

PERU | Monday, 16 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

Waves to Peaks
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Survival of the Most Enthusiastic

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 10 Mar 2009 | Views [767] | Comments [3]

So the biggest news first - as always, there is some terrible music playing in this internet cafe, some sappy spanish love song laid over 80´s electronic melodies and the occasional discordant honking-beeping noise... however, this time... wait for it.... Read more >

Amigos + Peru = Sweet

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 1 Mar 2009 | Views [958] | Comments [5]

Hola amigos, ¿que mas? that mneans whats up for all you gringos out there. Thats right we speakin da slang now, chicos y chicas. el slang loco. Not really, we get lost in everday conversation but ever since Holly started reading the Chronicles of Narnia ... Read more >

The Fabulous Tales of Lost and Loster

ECUADOR | Thursday, 19 Feb 2009 | Views [776] | Comments [3]

It´s been  awhile. Welcome back to the every-so-often fireside chats hosted by your two and only favorite latin american travel-bumblers. The past ten days or so have been a whirl of mistakes, uncontrollable facts of nature, and lucky breaks. Nothing ... Read more >

Gallery: Quito- Mindo- Cuenca

ECUADOR | Monday, 16 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Salento

COLOMBIA | Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Mongui

COLOMBIA | Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 11 photos >>

Gallery: Cartagena

COLOMBIA | Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Zoom ZOOM!

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 8 Feb 2009 | Views [1266] | Comments [9]

Yoyoyoyo were in it. In the thicket, the briar bush, breathin in the spanish breathing out something that is almost starting to sound like real spanish. accordians and bus rides, epanadas and jungle swinging. Last post was in Taganga, we have since ... Read more >

Gallery: Villa de Leiva

COLOMBIA | Saturday, 24 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Hammocks, Crocs, and Cocks

COLOMBIA | Saturday, 24 Jan 2009 | Views [1108] | Comments [1]

Sorry if I offend anyone but I just couldn´t resist this title. Check the pics to find out why. ´Hammocks, Crocs, and Phallic Statues of Pre-Colonial Peoples´ just didn´t have the same ring to it! Alright y´all, we are out of the nest. The hive. The ... Read more >

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