Began this new jouney in life in Condada Puerto Rico. Stayed in a guest house for 2 nights which wasn't that interesting & the lobby & halls smelled like dead rodants including mildew, so left to catch the bus to Old San Juan with my backpack and 4 wheel small suitcase. Ater 20 minutes decided to take the 3 mile walk instead which was excellent. Wide sidewalks all paved with brick next to the beach and it's nice breeze made it so much fun. There were so many people walking and smiling it was not intimidating at all.
Found the hostel location (don't ever use a GPS - had me going the wrong way but found it) As you walked in the building - no office or sign! Asked the restaurant next door to find it was on the 6th floor. The elevator was from ?? era, it has a gold gate inside the elevator, so when it arrives at your floor, the gold gate inside goes back & you have to pull the door open, enter & repeat when you exit.
My 1st hostel ever & is perfect. Share my room with (3) 20+ yr. old sweetest girls, bathroom & shower next door, huge common area and typing this on the veranda overlooking Old San Juan.
Walk every morning to the supermarket for a yogart & banana & sit in the square with all the people feeding the pigeons. Read, relax and enjoy life for a bit then off to walk the town which I have to say is clean, safe and beautiful. The only drawback of this country is their food, restaurants & taxis are very expensive and everyone comments on that (including the locals) along with rising prices here of utilities.
I was going to stay for 3 nights but after getting to know the 'kids' at the hostel from all over the world, we became friends, we played cards, drank, did the tourist things, laughed a lot & learned a lot. So after 9 nights I am flying to Dominican Republic.