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"go back"

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | 5 photos

Our tribe is called Igbo. One of the three main tribes of Nigeria, along with the Yoruba and Housa. The Igbo are my fathers people.
My mother is from Bulgaria, and how they met is another, long story. I can tell you, however, that my parents were divorced before I was borne.
At eight months pregnant, she escaped communist Bulgaria in pursuit of Australia.
In January 2010, I decided to, as the Nigerians call it “to go back”.
“How can I come back to somewhere I have never been before?” I’d ask.
To which the Nigerian women would laugh, “Africa is in the people. It goes with you.”
Though I am documenting the world around, my photography is always subjective.
This series, can only “partially” demonstrates the beauty of the people who make Africa. It can only partially acknowledge the rape, which has engulfed it. And I mean rape, in every single sense of the word.
More so, for me, this series is my invitation to you, the audiance. Please for a moment have a look at what I am connected to, what is inside me.
These women dance and celebrate at a funeral. There are fire crackers and the entire village cooks and comes along. They can celebrate because the departed is an elder…this time.
These men are working in 42 degree heat. They have no shade. Only a generous smile as they build a church.
In these children’s eyes is the entire history of the land.
And this block of flats, is some of the better housing in the area. But the kids still play.
Please excuse my corniness. But I felt it was necessary. This is part of who I am. As I said earlier, it is always subjective.

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