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A Day in Morón, Cuba

Cuba | Sunday, June 9, 2013 | 5 photos

When I was 19, I started down the road of print journalism through a local college in Belleville, Ontario, Canada.
We had one photography class each semester. I did well using perspective, depth of focus, colours, and got used to proper techniques with manual settings.
I learned to be patient and get dirty for the right perspective, which often involves changing lenses on the fly and awkward positioning.
After I graduated in 2008, at 21, I got a job in Nakusp, British Columbia, and worked as a professional journalist for nearly two years.
All the necessary shooting wasn't the kind of photography I wanted to take, despite it being my job. My favourite captured moments were taken when I was off duty, driving up mountain roads, climbing through forests, floating in a boat by a shoreline.
That is what I want to expand on. My ability to capture honest, natural appealing beauty in a full frame. Whether it's honesty in landscapes, perfectly pristine virgin forest, or honesty in the portrait of a people or lifestyle of peoples.
I'm now a 26-year old who works in a call centre, and I want the opportunity and exposure (pun intended) to raise some eyebrows.

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