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Saving the World 101 "My country is the world, and my religion is to do good." - Thomas Paine

About smukkeak

I grew up in Petersburg, Alaska. My family took my sister and I on trips throughout the Western part of the U.S., as well as Washington D.C. and a portion of the Eastern U.S. My junior year of high school I lived in Denmark, which was amazing. I traveled through Sweden, Spain, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Principality of Monoco and Belgium while there. And, after graduating, I went to college.

I'm currently a sophomore at Washington State University. If I could major in Saving the World I would, but since that isn't really an option I went for the closest things I could find: Global Political Science and Women's Studies.

I am a member of the Young Democrats, Progressive Student Union, GLBTA and a few other random groups that spring up out of the ground at will. I keep myself busy planning my next adventures, and dealing with other people and issues on the Palouse. I love my school, my friends, and my family. I believe that taking care of the other people in this world is what every other person on the planet should spend their time doing. We have stopped thinking about other people as fellow human beings worthy of such respect, and that is a shame.

My Travel Map:
