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fresh faced traveler!

The Beijing Experience.

CHINA | Friday, 24 Apr 2009 | Views [499]

   Though I left China in January, after only having spent two weeks there, I still vividly remember everything. I was so excited to get on the ferry from Incheon South Korea, but as soon as I stepped off the boat into China I was terrified.  Always ... Read more >

First impressions of Korea

SOUTH KOREA | Wednesday, 31 Dec 2008 | Views [545]

I graduated from college in August and a couple of months later I was in Korea! It was daunting and scary, but I am thankful that I did it.  I have been here for two months now, and I absolutely love it.  Sure there are times when I get frustrated ... Read more >

Gallery: Adventures in Korea

SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 30 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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