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The wild Amazon

ECUADOR | Saturday, 16 May 2015 | Views [244] | Scholarship Entry

Our original idea was to take two hammocks, a raft, photo equipment and basic survival gear, and set down the Amazon: Tom-Sawyer-and-Huckleberry-Finn-style. The reality, however, is always different.
The journey was playing out like an adventure movie script already written.

The deeper I go in, the more I look at this experience as a passage into an exotic realm that is not recorded on a global map, and this propels me to keep going, driven by desire to learn about the hardships and issues of these people and their lands. At one point, I felt as if we were at the crossroads, at exactly a halfway point between adventure and responsibility, asking myself whether to go ahead, into the unknown, or stay and improvise with the material that I have accumulated so far.

After all, the adventure itself was like an exam that I had to pass because it was, in a way, a process of maturing.

At times I did, admittedly, feel like I have set an impossible goal and that I was just out of reach of the magical ‘unreachable’. But it seemed that the easiest way out was giving up and abandoning those hopes, admitting that it was impossible. Yes, giving up is the easiest course to take because it is always an option.

Most Amazon tribes are already struggling to keep the curiosity from us, adventurers and explorers - representatives of the modern world - from exploiting, exporting, or otherwise branding their cultural uniquenesses.

Days spent with people there emphasized the beauty of simplicity, something I fear is lost in the contemporary world.

The kind of impact we had on them, we will probably never know.
But the impact they left on us was - both immediate and lasting - was profound.

The fragility of the rainforest, whose absolute magnitude and extent both fascinate and confuse, influenced, and perhaps even shifted our perception of the world around us. Thinking of the Amazon rainforest, especially from the inside, where everything is so alive, abundant and dense that it seems infinite, eternal and indestructible, completely prevails over all the senses. It is an organism in which everything works in its own way as a part of an important sequence which is, regrettably, highly imperilled.

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

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