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One Life, Live it..

About sinarama

       Travel and photography, even when I use these two words in a sentence somehow I start getting excited. For years with my own funding I tried to achieve such a life and now I've come across this scholarship entry.
      My interest in travelling and photography started when I was a little child. Having a father who went hunting often and took me with him wherever he went, was the first steps. But I always felt opposed to hunting and that lead me to become vegetarian, taking photos instead of using rifles. We used to go into the forest to find a good hiding point, staying there sometimes a few hours sometimes few days and when the right time came, one of us was shooting to end a life the other was shooting to make that moment everlasting.
    The more moments I captured, the more I was getting into photography. I have studied similar things that would keep me taking photos all my life and also added video shootings to my skills.
     Now all my friends and people I know are saving money to buy Tv's, furniture and things like that but I save my money for my next travel and to make those moments everlasting.