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Nomadic Life..

Gallery: Desert and the Dead Sea

ISRAEL | Friday, 16 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Kibbutzim, Caves, Kinneret and the Jordan

ISRAEL | Thursday, 1 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Weddings etc

ISRAEL | Sunday, 20 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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ISRAEL | Sunday, 20 Sep 2009 | Views [521]

17/09/2009 Hasholin Hospital, Petah Tikva With Racheli's wedding over, and her fever returning within minutes of our return home, Didi was looking decidedly ill.  The idea that it was all in her head was fantastic for the duration ... Read more >


ISRAEL | Thursday, 17 Sep 2009 | Views [576]

As you may have noticed, it seems that both my desire to write and my muse have deserted me on this trip.  I guess that my first month here was all about meeting family and friends, experiencing the Jewish holidays, attending Racheli's wedding, ... Read more >

Gallery: Birthdays, Beaches and Jerusalem

ISRAEL | Monday, 7 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Friends, Family and the Goy from Oz

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 3 Sep 2009 | Views [891]

03/09/2009   Wow.   Things are happening so fast that i just don't have time to record them all.   By the time i finish an amazing experience, or get back from a magical place, or even meet a new and wonderful person, i am already onto the ... Read more >

Gallery: Arriving

ISRAEL | Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

Petah Tikva, Tel Aviv, Appalonia, Deans Birthday..
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Tel Aviv

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 29 Aug 2009 | Views [957] | Comments [1]

27/08/2009 Tel Aviv. As mentioned, i spent Wednesday exploring Tel Aviv with Adi. The goal was not only to get out to check it all out, but to at least buy myself some underwear – after nearly 3 days, i was still awaiting word on my bag...... Read more >


ISRAEL | Wednesday, 26 Aug 2009 | Views [949]

26/08/2009 Petah Tikva. And so, it begins again.  What would i have to write about if there were no drama's, hey?  After a hellishly long flight, i arrived at Tel Aviv airport LATE monday evening.  With Adi awaiting me outside customs, ... Read more >

And soon, it will begin again...

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009 | Views [748]

And soon, it will begin again... For those of you who don't yet know, I will be heading O/S again in about a month. After being back in Oz for 8 months, I am itching to get out and about again. Where to you ask? Israel!! The ... Read more >

Gallery: Beyond Kheer Ganga

INDIA | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Cello India.

INDIA | Tuesday, 28 Oct 2008 | Views [2964]

17/10/2008 - 02/11/2008 Cello India. After Kheer Ganga, i feel that i have nothing more to say. Without a doubt the best 10 days of my year, everything now feels like a wind-down. For the simple reason that it is! I leave on the 3rd of November, bound ... Read more >

Gallery: Kheer Ganga

INDIA | Friday, 17 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Kheer Ganga

INDIA | Friday, 17 Oct 2008 | Views [8910] | Comments [5]

07/10/2008 - 17/10/2008 Kheer Ganga - Heaven on a hill. We awoke on wednesday morning to more biting cold and a light drizzle. Needless to say, we went back to sleep. Upon waking at 10 though, the sun was out, and the cold was disappearing. We walked ... Read more >

Barshani - Kheer Ganga

INDIA | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Views [5072] | Comments [2]

05/10/2008 - 07/10/2008 Barshani to Kalga, Kalga to Kheer Ganga.   We disembarked our Mahindra 4WD at the end of Barshani. We were quite high up from the river, and the road seemed to keep going down, but the driver assure us that he could go no ... Read more >

Gallery: Kasol - Kalga

INDIA | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Kasol - Barshani

INDIA | Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Views [4266]

29/10/2008 - 05/10/2008 The buses were easy and we arrived in beautiful Kasol by early afternoon. We actually overshot it and had to walk back, but not far. I sat in a dhaba to drink a chai while Didi went searching for a place to stay. She found a ... Read more >

Gallery: Rishikesh to Mandi

INDIA | Tuesday, 30 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Tatta Pani - Kasol

INDIA | Monday, 29 Sep 2008 | Views [4620] | Comments [1]

25/09/2008 - 29/09/2008 Tatta Pani - Kasol. The bus ride was again typical of Himachal - 2 and a half hours of crazy bus racing on the side of a cliff, dodging cows, goats, recent rockfalls, trucks, buses... It's really amazing that more bikes, cars ... Read more >

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