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Leaving on a jet plane . . .

Trip: Central America

There are [8] stories from my trip: Central America

The End . . . for now

NICARAGUA | Thursday, 29 Apr 2010 | Views [813]

                The bus to Rivas, where I was to catch the connection to Granada, was supposed to leave at 11A.   And I was told it was the only bus that day because it was Good Friday so I was on the bus by 10:45.   It finally left at around 12:... Read more >

Volcano Boarding, Water Sports, and Semana Santa

NICARAGUA | Thursday, 8 Apr 2010 | Views [1754] | Comments [1]

Buenas Dias,                 I write from 9,500 ft above Nicaragua where I am in what must be the world’s smallest commercial plane with a maximum of 12 passengers.   The plane is nearly full today with 10 passengers.   When I last left you I was ... Read more >

hiking and diving galore

HONDURAS | Sunday, 21 Mar 2010 | Views [1171] | Comments [1]

Greetings all,                 The lake house near Alpeneca was very rustic, but lovely.   It’s actually in a town called Laguna Verde, named after the green lake there.   There were two houses – one a standard house with a kitchen and the ... Read more >

Beaches and Waterfalls

EL SALVADOR | Monday, 1 Mar 2010 | Views [1495]

Greetings! El Zonte was awesome.   I made friends within five minutes of arriving and we spent most of our time there together.   Our hotel had a shaded rooftop terrace with hammocks and a great view of the Pacific.   There was also a pool complete ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, el salvador, juayua

Mayan Ruins and Active Volcanoes

GUATEMALA | Sunday, 21 Feb 2010 | Views [2529] | Comments [1]

My relaxing weekend was just that.   I hadn’t realized that I had been going nonstop for two weeks, and hadn’t slept past 7A in all that time.   The next week was pretty uneventful.   It was filled with Spanish class.   I decided to go on a trip ... Read more >

Tags: antigua, guatemala, tikal, volcano

Spanish school in Antigua

GUATEMALA | Monday, 8 Feb 2010 | Views [1082] | Comments [1]

Hola de Antigua,                 The trip down here from San Ignacio was a long one.   I caught a bus to Benque, a town near the border.   While on the bus I was very fortunate to meet two German girls, one of which spoke fluent Spanish.   ... Read more >

Photos: Central America

BELIZE | Monday, 25 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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BELIZE | Saturday, 23 Jan 2010 | Views [456]

    Greetings from Belize.  It’s nice to be traveling again even though it doesn’t seem as though it’s been very long since my last trip.   It’s also nice to be writing this at a bar/restaurant rather than in an internet café now that I have my ... Read more >