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Pyramids, Police and Protests

MEXICO | Friday, 10 October 2008 | Views [938] | Comments [11]

So I am in Mexico City. I have adjusted to the time zone now and am having fun... my hostel is right in the centre of all the action and everyone here is really friendly. On my first day I visited two museums with friends from my room: one about Frida and Rivera and the other Trotsky. I thought this was good going considering the lady next to me on the flight ensured that I had absolutely no sleep. (Combination of her being very chatty - more than me it's true - and coughing everytime I dropped off).

Yesterday I navigated my way around the metro system then took a bus to Teotihuacan for the pyramids. Actually I did start off on the metro with two guys from my hostel but John got pick-pocketed on the first journey. They stole his wallet with his card in too and the most annoying thing is that we pretty much know who took it but it's too late now. They went to the bank to sort this out and said I should carry on to the pyramids without them. So I was left to work the system out for myself which is good as I now understand it all and it's quite easy.

After shaking off a little Mexican man who kept trying to find out where I was staying and where I was heading I arrived at the bus station then took in the sights as I headed towards Teotihuacan. There are two main pyramids of the sun and moon and I climbed both for lovely views and strong winds at the top to cool off in. Even though there were many tourists and locals selling trinkets everywhere, once at the top I had a lovely lingering moment of tranquility as I looked into the distance peacefully with the sun on my skin. It definitely makes a nice break from the city!

When I got back to the Zocalo where my hostel is there was a massive protest going on (again) about teachers' pay so I did my best to weave in and out of the crowd and make it back home. They are very passionate people and seem to protest on an almost daily basis...

So on a final note I am enjoying Mexico City but am mainly concerned about bumping into the police who can be trusted as much as the metro pick-pocketer. The two guys previously mentioned (who have not been incredibly lucky you will notice) were stopped by the police just for walking the streets in the evening. They had done nothing wrong but the police stole all their money and then let them go. I now avoid all eye contact with the police and will not be walking the streets after 9 o'clock. The only way to be safe is to get a registered taxi everywhere after dark; even if it's only 2 blocks away - oh and not a street taxi as they mug/kidnapp you. Great. I have made quite a few friends though and am following all the rules of safety (mum don't panic) and am seeing all the good things about this city too. Photos will be added later!

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan

Tags: mexico city




Hey Shelby! I am really glad that you decided to do a blog again. I meant to ask you if you were, but obviously didn't! Mexico City sounds awesome, wish I was there with you. I am in Turkey at the moment, after a long stressful night trying to get there.....3 accidents, M25 closed, then ultimately missing the flight. Anyway, Mum and Dad to the rescue, and 12 hours later, here I am! The baby tortoises (Mum and Dad reckon that is the plural, I think it's tortoi) are really cute. Just bigger than a 50p each! So...Miss English Language graduate....what is the plural?

I am going to try hard and save some money so I can come and visit you!

Anyway, long message....but... keep safe, keep enjoying yourself, and one day I will visit you on your edge of the world!

Take care Shelbyville! Jess xxx

  Jess Smith Oct 14, 2008 2:15 AM


HI Shelley,
Glad to hear you arrived safely, wow sounds like you are having a fantastic time so far,but having to keep your wits about you too. Look forward to seeing some pics.

All well here, Sarah and I survived the "jungle" until next year !!

Keep safe

  Karen Oct 14, 2008 6:09 AM


Stay safe, Shelley.
And what do we do when the red light is flashing on the receipt printer?

  Jimny Cricket Oct 15, 2008 1:37 AM


hi CP. glad you arrived safely, seems like your having a good time,spoke to mum just before you on sunday night. i said you might decide to stay, and james when he goes to the states, ????
guess what she said????
think on this.what when you buy it is black
when you use it its red.
when you dispose of it its grey.
think on. speak soon. MOG.

  john watts Oct 15, 2008 8:33 AM


Hi everyone, thanks for your comments, Karen I'm glad the jungle is over for you both phew!! Jessica I'm happy you made it to Turkey the tortoises sound so cute! Yes come to the edge of the world :) Jim ummm maybe you could ask Sophia Hanover? (Tee hee) Hope all is well there... John (MOG) bet mum loves you for that...you do realiose that's given me 2 hours of convincing mum that I will be back?!?! Anyway I' ll update the blog and add photos in the next few days it's just been go go go since I arrived so haven't had a chance! (The tequila doesn't help matters either...) love to all xxxxxx

  shelley Oct 16, 2008 2:19 AM


Hi!Glad to hear you have got your bearings and are enjoying yourself with Tequila!Look forward to seeing your fotos. Not much to report here- just work, work and more work! Stay safe. DanXx

  Danielle Oct 16, 2008 4:16 AM


Strange little men, corrupt police, protests and kidnappings - sounds like the perfect place. Glad you're enjoying it, just stay away from the pool men and keep safe. Natasha says "hi".



  James Oct 16, 2008 4:58 AM



Just a quick message to say HELLO!!! Sounds like your having a good time - BE CAREFUL though and trust no one!!

Everything is old back here - hopefully I will have some gossip soon.

Love you x x x

  Jessica Nash Oct 17, 2008 1:42 AM


Hi honey,

Wow it sounds amazing and quite terrifying all at the same time (only you could manage those two at the same time!) You better make sure you stay safe i dont want any horror stories (you'll have to start using your scoober diving torch as a weapon) So when do you go onto the scoober diving, i think underwater sounds safer!

The pyramids sound awsome, i want to be there!!!!

Glad you've made lots of friends, be good and take care


  Louise Curran Oct 21, 2008 12:17 AM


Hello Shell..

Sounds like its all such an adventure!
Hope theres lots more (safe) adventures to come!
We all miss you at work.

Big Love


  Alison Oct 22, 2008 6:20 AM


James and Jess you both make me laugh, I-ll take both of your pieces of advice stay away from poolmen and trust no one!?? And Louise I have my torch at the ready tee hee I'll hopefully be diving in a week or so, can't wait eek!! Alison I'll try to keep the adventures as safe as possible, thanks hope work is ok big love back to all xxxxx

  shelley Oct 27, 2008 6:21 AM



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