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Sun that sets in West

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

USA | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 4 photos

Hi, My name is Neety. I grew up understanding the importance of basic survivals needs, and along the way just started experiencing different things in life. I work in a corporate and keep traveling for work. Until lately I realized I needed an expression beyond words and some of my memories started getting faded away, and I didn't want that ! so, I decided to see through the world through a viewfinder. I had always admired the stories by people in various forms, be it writing or movies or paintings or photographs. They all say something.
I'm an amateur who started starting understanding the meaning and power of photography about a year ago. All these years, I think that, so far, it has been the best thing that has happened to me. My explorations have taught be its diversity and including its bitterness. And its all been great to look back and re-live

Through this scholarship, I want to learn photography to experience and share the naked truth of my explorations with any and everybody. I enjoy traveling, meeting new people and hearing their perspectives across different walks of life and sharing it through my pictures will be quite fulfilling!

About setsinwest

Thats me, I had thoroughly enjoyed a 15-20 min of absolute wonder. Breeze on my skin, Sun, clouds, mountains, and Ocean along with others, presenting a show calling out to be lived and I was there, as a part of it.

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