Things worth mentioning:
I managed an eight o'clock departure.
By half twelve I had done 33! kms and arrived in Neuburg.
At one point I did 10km/h ably assissted by the current.
I met Ede and Friedl in a canoe at the second lock.
I had a full lunch (one hour)
Ingolstadt where I arrived at quarter to four had a welcoming committee in the form of Veronika and Achim.
Veronika is an artist and Achim was a dentist and has made a DVD on a kayak trip through Sweden. He gave me a free copy. It's very professionally done. Veronica has an exhibition called 'Dunkelbunt' at Cafe Tagtraum in Ingolstadt. Any interested parties on either topic please get in touch.
Ede and Friedl arrived at the non-functioning lock at Ingolstadt two hours after me having been unable to master the current at Neuburg.
We lifted the 150kg out of the water but were unable to set in anywhere as the bank was 6 metre above water level and steep. The boys pushed their canoe four kilometers to the Ingolstadt 'Faltboatclub' on my kayak trolley.
One of the wheels on my trolley is now slightly damaged but will hopefully last the trip.
An overnight stay at the campsite in Ingolstadt is two Euro.
Ingolstadt is a lot like Ulm.
I have reached the first leg of my trip - Ingolstadt (Starting point of the TID - Tour International Danubia)