Hello and welcome to my blog site! I hope to be able to communicate with people through this site, and I think it will be a good way to keep everyone updated with what's going on in my life in Spain. I'm not exactly sure how often I will be able to post things (hopefully at least once a week). It will just depend on how much free time I have when I get over there. So for all of you OU people, I just wanted to warn you in advance that this will probably be nothing like Craig's site. Keep in mind that he wants to be an English teacher and has an incredible talent for expressing himself in words. That being said, I hope to be able to give a detailed account of my trip so that you will feel like you are along with me every step of the way. I'll be posting pictures as I take them so be sure to check them out! Also, you can find my email address and contact info under the Contact section (how clever lol). I hope to hear from everyone a lot because I'm sure I'll be homesick and I want to stay up to date on everything that is going on at OU and at home!
So I thought I'd start off with just a few of the things that I'm going to miss about OU:ScottQuad.CourtStreet.TheFrontRoom.Bromley/BoydBibleStudy.Walmart.180.Math. PurpleNight.Freshmen.CentralAvenueChurch.ThePrankWar.MortonHill.WestGreenMAG. SpringFling.FutureRoommates.WirelessInternet.IntramuralSoftball.DiningHallFood. PGIF.GilmoreGirls.FLES@WestElementary.SundayBrunch.UBand&Manatees.Seniors.Baker. Girls'Nights.Room315.SpringFormal.180@Scripps.TheQuadruplets.Grey'sAnatomy. DanceParties.MyRoomie.Seniors'05.DTime.RioGrande.TheCommonsGirls.CampusCrusade. DOK.PCBBigBreak.Applebees.PeanutButter.TheGodSquad.Volleyball.StudyLounge. LateNightTalks.MovieNights.Springtime.AmazingFriends.