RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Monday, 12 November 2007 | Views [1271] | Comments [1]
outside St. Isaac's cathedral
excellent pictures of russia- Phil you haven-t grown your hair much yet! Can't believe you are already off to Japan- busy busy. You do both actually look quite russian in this picture... (how do you know if somebody writes a comment- does it pop up or do you have to look through all your pictures). Mum and Dad seem to have resolved the e-mail address thing so that's why i haven't sent it to you. Did you get a text from me (prob when you arrived in japan?) doesn't matter about replying i just wanted to check if it had worked? Simon and I got our allotment on sunday and spent two hours down there this morning digging- very satisfying but need to do about 30 more hours before whole thing is done! simon is determined to get some garlic planted pronto. Just think, when you come back we will be self sufficient.....?! well don't forget to have a go at some kareoke and by some hello kitty stuff! Lots of love anna simon and '?\...wilso]|",[-['\(that actually honestly was wilson just there! XX\
anna Nov 14, 2007 3:16 AM