hello dear friends. wonderful to have you along with me :) thanxz for comments. good day today. not so far so felt good, leisurely to explore along way alitte. water machine again first off. great to find them. wind behind me ! wow.
rice fields again. but is alot more interspersed with trees. banana and eucalyptus guava lots of other don’t know. crops of manioc plant don’t remember other name. they use the flour alot. better bowl of the noodle soup today. this and that snack. another sticky rice wrap this with some other taste then banana. better. glad they are small.
had hoped to stay in a town i didn't get to last night. wish could have. great river walk market and couple great temple complexes did little explores but wish more. onward a ways another temple on top of small hill. wow those unused climbing muscles. great view. come to town is mall, lake just at edge . swan boats to rent and walks out into lake to pavilions will be fun later. and also river walk will explore. find hotel before exhausted. actually had a choice. this brand new. huge room wow likely could find a smaller scale guest house but this local economy too, just different level of commerce. so off i go to see if i can find the night market. come on along. keep those cards and letters coming :)! hugs lani
oh had choices more photos but can’t really figure it all out needed help then lost the ones had labeled oh well maybe again some time. wanted to show this REALLY Huge snake saw. dead. at least 7 ft long 8 or so inches around. they are just slithering around here and there......