About santiagoribeiro

Painting – Santiago Ribeiro
José Manuel Santiago Ribeiro was born in Coimbra. He shared his childhood and youth between the rural and religious environment of the village of Condeixa, where he lived, and the academic, secular, “avan-garde”, revolutionairy University City of Coimbra, where he was studying. He attended Avelar Brotero Comprehensive School in Coimbra, where he finished his Techinal Course of Arts and Crafts. In 2006 he joined a Higher Education School, also in Coimbra. He organised and participated in numerous individual and collective artistic exhibitions. His work is represented in several private collections. He is also represented in the Collection of Contemporary Art of the National Museum Machado de Castro and in the Bissaya Barreto Foundation in Coimbra, Portugal, European Union.
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