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Hard Work behind a Sweet Success

Sugarcane Cultivation and Sugar Production

India | Friday, November 30, 2012 | 5 photos

I am Santhosh, i am a software engineer by profession.My passion for photography started when i was in school. i got a used SLR camera from my uncle when i was a student and started taking pictures and got adicted to photography. Till now i never had a change to attend any photography course, i gathered the required information reading books and refering to internet sites. i shoot with a Nikon D90 and 17-55 f2.8 lens now.

I never wanted to become a professional wedding photographer or an add maker because i never wanted to mix money with my passion for photography. i always felt when people starts working for money the passion dissapears and they loose intrest in what they are doing.
I know i am not a great photographer but i really enjoy taking picture, i forget every thing when i am with my camera even i forget to eat.I never get bored taking pictures what ever be the subject i am shooting.
if i am chosen you will give me the confidence that i have taken my first step correctly and there is someting in me as a photographer which i can use to bring a smile on some ones face.

Thanks for taking time to judge my pictures.

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