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There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "ecuador".

The Road to San Agustín

COLOMBIA | Monday, 16 Jan 2012 | Views [2488] | Comments [1] | Video

It took six days to get from Vilcabamba, Ecuador, to San Agustín, Colombia. I had planned to get to Bogotá and then Caracas by bus as quickly as possible, but I realised that I needed a few rest stops and really wanted to visit San Agustín, to experience ... Read more >

Tags: colombia, ecuador, on the road, south america, travel

Vilcabamba, the Fountain of Youth

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 10 Jan 2012 | Views [3064] | Video

Vilcabamba is a beautiful small town in the south of Ecuador, and it is known as a fountain of youth because of the longevity of its residents and its healthy nutrient-rich water and environment. Its setting in a lovely green valley is peaceful and ... Read more >

Tags: ecuador, south america, travel

Cuenca, Ecuador to Lima, Peru

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 20 Dec 2011 | Views [10934] | Comments [4] | Video

In 2008 when I travelled from Ecuador to Peru, I took the easy way – I flew. This time I decided to go by bus. Much cheaper, but time consuming and not always convenient, but I hadn’t seen the countryside south of Cuenca so I thought it would be a ... Read more >

Tags: border crossing, ecuador, on the road, peru, south america, travel

Pumapungo, Ecuador

ECUADOR | Monday, 19 Dec 2011 | Views [1447] | Video

The Banco Central Pumapungo is a museum and park on the actual remains of the Tomebamba excavations, in the city of Cuenca itself. The museum has an excellent exhibition of the culture of the different indigenous people of Ecuador and the regions ... Read more >

Tags: ecuador, incas, museum, south america, travel

Ingapirca, Ecuador

ECUADOR | Sunday, 18 Dec 2011 | Views [1758] | Video

While I was in the Cuenca region I wanted to visit Ingapirca, Inca ruins that were built by Huayna Capac when the Cañaris were conquered in the late 15 th century. I had planned to go there on my way to Cuenca; but after arriving in Cañar (from where ... Read more >

Tags: ecuador, ingapirca, south america, travel

Quito, Ecuador, Dec 2011

ECUADOR | Thursday, 15 Dec 2011 | Views [893] | Comments [1] | Video

Flying into Quito (Ecuador) is a great feeling; it has such a dramatic entrance, situated in the Andes, 2,850 metres above sea level, (Footprints 2008). I came via Panama City (Panama) and Guayaquil (Ecuador); the trip took about 14 hours altogether, ... Read more >

Tags: ecuador, quito, south america, travel

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