After a pretty bonkers week packing up our little hobbit house, partying with the neighbours (ending in a Spanish man getting dropped on his head!) and a final trip to the beach, we squashed our life into the car (leaving 8 boxes stranded behind in a neighbours garage which we simply couldn't squeeze in, yikes!). We drove nervously out of Edinburgh slighted concerned about being stopped by the police for having a dangerously overloaded vehicle. No need to leave the UK for adventures!
The view down the motorway was rather restricted as most of the contents of our bathroom was on my lap, cutting off circulation to both legs (the only time I should have offered to drive!).
We arrived to my parents house in the evening and broke the news that we'd be filling up their garage with a few boxes for a while!
The past week has involved catching up with friends and family, clearing out more boxes at Mum and Dad's, trying the find a way to claim back the 8 boxes we left stranded in Edinburgh and best of all going to Vic and Stu's unbelievably beautiful wedding!
It's great to be back in the shire again for a bit longer than the weekend!