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Indian wilderness

About rupankar

Silence of the mountains was empowering and often engulfed the lonely traveler. Taking the final steps to the Shingo La pass.

Silence of the mountains was empowering and often engulfed the lonely traveler. Taking the final steps to the Shingo La pass.

I am Rupankar Mahanta from Delhi, India. An engineer by education and a HR man by profession, but an avid traveler and photographer by heart. I design systems 335 days a year and explore the wilderness for the rest 30 days. Most of my travels are either into the forests of India or into the mountains of Himalayan range. Trekking in extreme conditions had taught me to live wild. Photography complements my travel and is a way to express my creative self. I had tried my hand at several genres of photography, but had developed a serious liking for wildlife photography in last two years, mainly for the challenge of complex lighting it offers. Even though I am beginner in wildlife, I feel blessed to be able to shoot at least 20 tigers in the wild in these two years. I write a blog ‘India Travel Diary’ which is featured in the popular travel site tripAdvisor. My articles have also been published by few other websites on travel and trekking.