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About rubicon



My work career started as a river guide on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon when I was 17. From that point I worked and ran rivers all over the world. Rubicon Adventures began in the early 1970s and is still going strong today.
I was an early member of "Friends of the River" and active with river politics and environmental issues.

Currently, serve on board with Bay area storm water project
Volunteer: as a survey diver for "Reef Check".
Member: American Academy of Under Water Sciences

Education background: Biology Degree from Dominican University. Teaching credential from Sonoma State in 1980, worked with "at risk " youth in special education for four years.

EMT, First Aid and CPR instruction, River Trips. NAUI Master Diver and ECO Diver certification. SSI Dive Con pending.
SUP Instructor Certification, World Stand Up Paddle Association. (WSUPA)




My Travel Map:
