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Scaling the Dragon

Groote Eylandt: One people one voice.

Australia | Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 5 photos

Its taken me a long time to be ok with my career decisions or lack there of as a twenty something adult struggling to get by in todays economy. I seek comfort in knowing that I AM not what I do. I may play the role of bartender, nanny, cleaner, fruit picker, and on and on, but these roles do not define me. They merely and scarecly keep me fed and on the constant move. Im not interested in living the american dream (taxes, 'life' insurance, three cars and a pool you never swim in) or any dream really, I think every day I spend traveling brings me a little bit closer to reality. Whatever that may truly mean. This is my motivation to never give up and find a way to give back creatively through self funded global trips.

When I packed up and left home with a one way ticket to Bangkok last fall I purchased my first digital camera. This scholarship would be an incredible guide to continue learning, gowing, and creating inspiration through the lens. The glittering self proclaimed title of "travel photographer" is worth writing home to mom, but she knows ill be writing home anyhow. She'll remind me not to forget that glimmer of hope that my work one day can be an extension of myself.

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