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My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Australia | Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 5 photos

What wonderful specie the human being is - or not, depending on the situation?

Have you noted the paraplegic up the road from you? When last did you have a good conversation about their world in the present? They are definitely not what you think they are…

The paraplegic (like most of us), doesn’t want to be reminded of the past – it’s best to concentrate on the present and the future. While watching them interact with one another, you sense a special bond like no other.

They have learned to adjust to their circumstances but still have the need to be loved, respected, and honored. They use the same technology, drive cars, have social event, and play sports like any other person.

Although I find them competitive during these practice sessions, they do not lose their respect for one another. They support, congratulate and enjoy each other’s company although they are in fierce battle to win the game. With these photos I hope to highlight what pushes them in a sport and as an individual.

I started with photography in October 2009 with a very simple camera. I volunteered to go to Meerkat Manor for two weeks in the Kalahari Desert to help 34 researchers with their ongoing study. Everything changed when I became aware of the world through my lens. Photography became a passion and a hobby which I love and I enjoy the company of other photographers.

I don’t have any formal education in photography and learn through books I am reading. This would be an excellent opportunity and an honor to learn more from one of the world’s greatest photographers.

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