If you are into travelling as much as I am (and most of you probably are), then sitting at your desk can be a bit of a drag on some days. It's times like these you need to do a bit of traveling by proxy (literally in some cases! - sorry - geek joke) by finding out what others are doing. Of course, there are a bunch of cool sites where you are going to find some adventurous folk who are willing to share their tales. Here's a few of my favourites. Most of them are actually worth a read too during the planning phase of your trip.
Lonely Planet - If you haven't heard of these guys yet, then you are probably dead. They have the biggest travel forum on the internet and we here at World Nomads work closely with them on a bit of stuff too (World Nomads is their recommended travel insurance provider). If you need to find out some information about a particular destination, then this is probably where you will find it.
Gadling - This is a blog that is prolific in finding the best of the net with regards to travel. They update so many times per day that there will almost always be something new when you visit the site and they come up with some pretty interesting stuff. Some of their stories can be a little light on the content side, but they make up for it with some awesome finds. Worth checking out.
GridSkipper - If you are into chic travel, then this is the place where all the cool people hang out. "Urban travel" is the catch cry here. Again, they update several times a day so there is always a new story to be read on the site.
Bootsnall - A huge travel network for all types of travel, these guys are a community oriented site that always seem to have a great selection of travel tales. The quality can be up and down cos anybody can submit an article but generally the information is great and the writing is of a decent standard. Certainly it deserves a place in the favourites folder.
Now, there are a bunch of other sites that I also visit to get the latest on travel news and fun, but I won't bore you too much with them all just yet. Take a look at those ones and I'll keep an eye out for other cool travel sites.