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Roads and Tales

My Scholarship entry - A local encounter that changed my life

WORLDWIDE | Friday, 20 Apr 2012 | Views [187] | Scholarship Entry

8 Hours to Live a Dream I have only one day to spend at Casablanca As the taxi driver drops me in front of Hassan II Mosque I immediately feel the salt scent from the Atlantic, and late-November’s breeze gives wings to my hair. As if the sight of the ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Writing Scholarship 2012

My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry - Journey in an Unknown Culture

TUNISIA | Friday, 25 Mar 2011 | Views [499] | Scholarship Entry

One Day at “Planet Tunisia”. Some places are just so different from everything we’re familiar with they might as well be another world! This is the story about the day I arrived to Planet Tunisia. I was onboard a cruise ship and had a boyfriend who could ... Read more >

Tags: #2011writing, travel writing scholarship 2011

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