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How to visit The Virunga National Park DRC

IRELAND | Saturday, 9 Jul 2016 | Views [919]

This is a how to guide to visiting the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic Of Congo, for a detailed story of my experience please click on the following link https://journals.worldnomads.com/riverstrails/story/141689/Congo-(Kinshasa)/Kigali-... Read more >

Tags: africa, congo, gorilla, rwanda, trekking, virunga

Kigali to Virunga National Park, DRC in 3 Days

CONGO (KINSHASA) | Friday, 8 Jul 2016 | Views [1081]

It was an early start at the Discover Rwanda Youth Hostel in Rwandas Capital of Kigali.After a breakfast of bread and potatoes and the nations finest Tea we jumped on a motorbike taxi to take us to Kigalis Central Bus Station. The station was alive with ... Read more >

Tags: africa, congo, gorilla, lava, mountain, trekking, volcano

Photos: Africa

CONGO (KINSHASA) | Wednesday, 6 Jul 2016 | Photo Gallery

A 3 month trip through Africa
See all 6 photos >>

Tags: africa, gorilla, trekking, virunga

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