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Tat Life: South Korea

Trip: Toronto-Seoul

There are [3] stories from my trip: Toronto-Seoul

Photos: Busan

SOUTH KOREA | Sunday, 11 Nov 2012 | Photo Gallery

weekend trip down south to Busan
See all 47 photos >>

My first week

SOUTH KOREA | Wednesday, 7 Nov 2012 | Views [423]

Good Morning! Its 9:00 am Wednesday November 7th, which means ive officially been travelling for a week! The first week has been a whirlwind and has flown by, and my Spartan training is well under way. My days usually start with what the Koreans refer ... Read more >

First impressions

SOUTH KOREA | Saturday, 3 Nov 2012 | Views [550]

So I made it! Seoul, South Korea! The flight, though long, was very smooth with a healthy balance of sleep and movie watching. I arrived in Seoul at around 4pm November 1st, having left Toronto at 8:30am October 31st, needless to say I was a bit jet ... Read more >

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