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Roadtrip - The weird, wacky world of Turkmenistan

TURKMENISTAN | Tuesday, 5 November 2013 | Views [585] | Scholarship Entry

Our video captures our short but memorable visit to the mysterious nation of Turkmenistan. It’s also an extract from our upcoming feature documentary covering our entire 10,000 mile overland adventure from the UK to Mongolia. By keeping a regular blog during the journey and releasing a series of short-form videos since our return, we’ve been steadily building an online audience for the full documentary.

Winning the scholarship would be great recognition for our hard work and a fantastic opportunity to learn the skills we need to produce more engaging and informative travel documentaries. We feel that Brian’s mentorship could especially help us in better researching our videos to tell a story in an engaging, honest and informative way and conduct in depth interviews with local experts.

New Orleans, and Mardi Gras in particular, fascinates us and we’re keen to document how the celebrations have evolved since their origins. We’ve long been inspired by the travel writing of Paul Theroux and captivated by Michael Palin’s travel series and it’s our ultimate dream to create independent travel documentaries that inspire people to explore and think about the world in which we live.

Tags: Travel Film Scholarships 2013

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