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PhnomPenh to Siem Reap 13th & 14th June

CAMBODIA | Monday, 15 June 2009 | Views [880]

Saturday 13th June Woke up at around 8ish, we'd booked the bus to Siem Reap to pick us up at 11.30am. We walked down the road to get some noodle soup for breakfast.Shona and I are now completely addicted!!! After breakfast we got a TukTuk to take us to the Toul Sleng Museum. This was the old prison of Khmer Rouge. It used to be a primary school and high school- but all the old classrooms were turned into cells and interrogation/torture rooms. There were lots of photos of all the old prisons, all but 7 of all the prisoners who came here were killed! The photos and the stories were obviously very upsetting. We left about 11am and got the tuktuk back to the hotel to check out and get the bus. The bus journey to Siem Reap took about 6 hours and was probably the worst one yet!! The roads are fairly bumpy so it was not a smooth ride. Plus we had two stops in fairly dodgey looking places. There are lots of people who beg you for money wherever you go in Cambodia. Which can be very heartwrenching and also upsetting. We arrived in Siem Reap and went to Shadow of Angkor guesthouse, which had been recommended by some British guys we met on the bus to the Cu Chi Tunnels. Unfortunately they didn't have any rooms but the Shadow of Angkor 2 guesthouse just across the river did and its probably the nicest guesthouse I've stayed at since I left Bangkok.$20 a night but it has a nice balcony,pool and good clean room!! With TV!! We had dinner on Pub St, which is a bit like the Khao San Road of Siem Reap all the restaurants and bars are there! We actually bumped into the Dutch couple we met at and played I have never with in CHiang Rai. Its a small travelling world. Had some fantastic Khmer food for dinner, I had Khmer Curry and Shona had Amok Fish,which was super incredible. No drinking because I was still feeling rough. Went back to the guesthouse and watched possibly the worst movie I've seen in ages - a vampire movie with Jon Bon Jovi? Any ideas what it was called? Answers on a postcard to me please??

Sunday 14th June A day of rest.Woke up late at 10am- amazing lie in. Then caught up on the internet for a bit and had a late brunch at 12pm. I had a huge american breakfast $3.50. Food here seems to be a lot more expensive than Laos and Vietnam. Walked back via the market where I bought more postcards,I hope you guys have received some of the previous ones I've sent? Also bought a Angkor Wat T-shirt for $1.50 Went back to the guesthouse for a swim and a chill out. We arranged a TukTuk to take us to the temples for SunSet. Because if you buy your ticket for the next day after 4.45pm then you can go to the Sunset that night as part of your ticket. We hooked up with some Australian girls, Emily and Rhiannon and we all went along together. We watched Sunset and got the TukTuk back to town to have dinner and we watched some traditional Cambodian dancing.

We ate some more amazing Khmer food -I had Beef Lok Lak with Salad and Tomato. Eaten with Steamed Rice!

We are leaving at 4.40am tomorrow to go to the sunset at Angkor Wat. Very excited! Night Night x

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