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My Scholarship entry - Ulingan, Tondo, Manila

Philippines | Wednesday, May 29, 2013 | 5 photos

I am a serious amateur who has been shooting for the past 7 years. I work for a communications company but on the corporate side of the business. I photograph with a small group of friends and it has been customary for us to map out an annual itinerary since 2007 with trips that range from 3 to 10 days. I average 5 trips a year and I've realized early on that work and family will need to be balanced alongside what I have come to regard as a calling.

If I had to start all over, I probably would have pursued a different path. But I do believe in second chances and a stint at National Geographic no matter how brief would be the ride of a lifetime. While I look forward to the trip, it is the process of selecting the final set with Jason that’s the real draw for me. Giving back will be a natural outcome of such an opportunity as it easily lends itself to being an inspiring fountainhead for sharing through various platforms. But at a personal level, I want to prove that change is always possible as long as one keeps an open mind and is willing to learn and unlearn. Ultimately, to be an example to my daughter; that it's never too late if one's just patient enough to stay the course.

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