Hello fellow travelers. My name, as you will guess, is Rafael. Im currenty on vacations and im visiting Europe. Im in Amsterdam with my brother at the moment. The thing is that i dont particullary like to go out and smoke weed and that kind of stuff, but my brother does so he kinda drag me here. Its not that I dont like it, but I will preffer beeing somewhere else in Europe practicing my French, which is an official language herre but everybody speaks English so the French is not used at all. Or at least thats what I've seen.
Not so much to tell about this place. We stopped in a hostel called the Flying pig, which is autodenominated as a backpacker hostel. The recepcionis was very nice to us and the other members of the staff dont know, im yet to know them. The hal smells like weed and the kitchen seems small. Not probem with everything smelling like weed. I get it, im in Amsterdam, what the fuck did I spect?.
The room smell funny too. I think its for the people that dont whant to use the impractical shower of this place. Perhaps im beeing too mean, I feel like im writigin a review of the place and I dont usually write bad reviews, specially when i just arrived at the place. I will give this place a chance.
So far so good, theres a chick in the room and I will guess that everyone else are males, but not a big deal.
The girls in the street though... my god.. I saw like 3 red heads so far, and real ones, like irish ones, not the kind that we have in Argentina. Men how I would love to go to Ireland.
I dont think i will be able to practice my french here, but im kinda awkward when it comes to talk with someone else so I havent practiced as much as I should. Im working on it.
My brother seems to come with that easily, to talk to people spontaneously. I think is not family reated. But if imgur has thaught me something is that you dont have to stay in the place you are if youre this way, you dont have to glorify the beeing afraid of talk to people or beeing afraid of anything. You have to go out there and fight your fears. Anyone who glorifies their problem is just foling himself.
Other thing that I have noticed this lasts days is that no one is gonna solve your problems for you, no one is gonna give you nothing if you dont have anything to give in exchange. Its sad, but its the way the world works. I have seen it and my brother says it all the time.
My brother really seems to have worked out for himself a couple of things that I've read in books about social behevior. The idea of appearing not powerful but helpful, the idea that you can give a lot in exchange if you receive enough, its something that my brother has worked out for himself in order to obtain the things he wants. Also for making other people give him the things he wants without even thinking on it.
He will also say wonderful things about other people, people that might be present at the moment or might not, but making him appear like someone who will enhance your abilities or compliment them in front of other people, making you feel special and in exchange you will give him things to help him out.
I have learned a couple of things about social beheavior in my travels and its so complicated and intricated. I will like to read more about the subject, about the way the society works and how yu can make it work for you, just like my brother does.
The big thing I have realized is that people wants to crreate links with as many people as they can, specially if that person is from somewhere else in the world. I have the same feeling when meeting someone else and I think the background is a little bit materialistic (as everything else in this world).
I believe that people have this approaching to know people from other places in the world no because the ymight be interrested in your culture or yourself, if not that they are interested in the possibility that maybe one day, you will help them out if youre good with them. Its kind of rugh but i think its this way.
People will think that, if they make friends with you, perhaps one day hen i travel to x country, this guy will help me out in whatever i might need. I feel like im saying something that everyone knows but i havent read anywhere (but im sure there are a lot of writings about this) so i had the need of writing that down.
I didnt talked a lot about Amsterdam in this post, maybe later i will fill it with more things related to the city. But im hungry now. Soon !