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Masking my fear

PHILIPPINES | Wednesday, 14 May 2014 | Views [358] | Scholarship Entry

I couldn’t see. I tried to calm myself and breathe normally, but instead, seawater trickled down my nasal cavity. I instinctively reacted, pushing my flippers hard on the seaweed sodden sand. Breaking the surface, I yanked my seawater-filled mask from ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry - My Big Adventure

WORLDWIDE | Wednesday, 23 Mar 2011 | Views [446] | Scholarship Entry

I sputtered and flailed as I tried to keep my head above the icy cold water. Just a few moments ago, my foot had dislodged itself from our raft on the first bounce down the rapids. Trying to recall my 5 minute crash course on survival, I forced myself ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Writing, Travel Writing Scholarship 2011

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