Hi Everyone
I'm finally here!! After talking about virtually nothing else since last June I am now in Cusco, South America!
I arrived here on Tuesday after more than 30 hours of travelling; for those who have been to Peru before and want to come back again, my advice is to go via Europe as it was far easier than going to the States. Although you do have to endure a twelve hour flight!
I had a stop over in Lima and I think I've seen enough of that place to be honest - smelly, a bit like driving on the M4 past Port Talbot.
I've moved into a flat in San Blas, which is a beautiful residential area in Cusco, with few tourists and even less people trying to sell you stuff. I'm living with a woman originally from England who owns a bar here and is also a salsa teacher. She's lovely and has helped me out loads, we are going to Pisac on Sunday - there's a market there similar to the one Crew Peru went to in Chinchero in May. Plus we are going to a salsa concert on Saturday which should be fun.
I should start work next Tuesday evening, I'm looking forward to it but would prefer to be travelling around instead, guess I'll just have to wait until December when I go to Argentina!!
Hasta Pronto.