Little enthusiastic old dude. Expat who came in the 60{s and fell
in love with CR. He still thinks it{s 1969. He has a pocket alarm
clock that reminds him that something needs to be done at that moment,
but doesn{t quiet tell him what. I don{t know how he knows judging by
the way he runs around, often like a chicken with his head cut off. In
my first two hours of interacting with him, I found myself telling him
the alarm rang, your cell phone is ringing, your house phone is
ringing. No wonder he never heard Orlando calling.
It was torrential rain by the time my bus reached San Isidro. Lo
and behold, he was waiting at the bus station for me. He asked if we
could wait a little bit for Amanda and Chris. Sure. What have I got do
with. But Amanda and Chris never showed. I got into his little Toyota
that looks much more like a Jeep Wrangle, with the back seats actually
facing each other. He said, Don{t let this little guy fool you, it{s
got a brand new engine last years. Like me, I got a brand new hip last
year. (WTF?!) Conversations with him often ran something of this sort,
where he{d slip in a thing or two about his crazy past.
In this disconnected fashion of a conversation, we off-roaded to
his farm in torrential rain, the most rain CR has received in 60
years! I started to wonder if I was doing the right thing...against
everything I{ve been taught about not getting into strangers car, home,
etc. What if he turned out to some crazy serial killer? What he I get
poisoned? What if Chris and Amanda are not real? There I hopped on my
usual train of paranoid, which i typically don{t let you know I{m
incredibly worried about what{s to come. He said to make myself
comfortable and started cooking. He was making leek soup and rice.
You like rice? Jasmine rice okay? It{s the best.
Oh, how relieved was I when Chris and Amanda showed. A neighbor{s
son Taiva, from Florida, came over for dinner too. By the dimly lit
dinner table, we ate our vegetable leek soup, with rice and beans. Just
as we ended the conversation about what weird foods we{ve had
traveling, I found extra portein in my veggie soup. There lies in a
moth inside up.
I now eat raw garlic by the cloves. Even though I brought plenty
of insect repellent, I{m still getting bit here and there. I{m doing
everything I can to keep those little buggers away! Chris is also a
poor victim. His skin is inflamed with bites as well as his own
scratching. Noe hooked him up with some antihistamine and slipped in
about how he used to take vellum to calm the biting down (WTF?) Now he
doesn{t get bit all that much, and when he{s bothered he takes the
antihistamine that he shared with Chris. This was all during the first
few hours after I arrived at the farm. Then there was movie night
freshly pirated--still playing in the theater. Even though it was in
English, I had no idea what I saw. I eventually fell asleep after my
coconut popsicle.