With these definitions base (date of 1860)i have try to created in 2006 my own pratical definition of discrimination
in this time dicrimination (1860) means this :
DISCRIMINATION [di-skri-mi-na-sion] s. f.
Terme de psychologie employé par Bain. Faculté de discerner, de distinguer. ♦ Ce changement d'état [par lequel la conscience passe d'une modification à une autre], c'est la discrimination, et c'est le fondement de notre intelligence, RIBOT, Psychol. angl. p. 258
Lat. discriminationem, distinction, de discrimen.
english/australian TRADUCTION :
Term of psychology used by Bath. Faculty to detect, to differentiate.This state change by which conscience passes from a modification to other one, it is discrimination, and it is the foundation of our intelligence RIBOT, Psychol. angl. p. 258