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My Scholarship entry - Sardegna - A Less Traveled Path

Italy | Saturday, November 1, 2014 | 5 photos

Okay - I know I'm in the upper age bracket, but I'm dauntless, in good physical condition (run, hike, bicycle and walk a lot) and LOVE to travel and see new places, meet new people and experience new things. I work to save enough to travel. A few years ago I traveled to Peru and saw amazing things and met remarkable people. I loved Ollantaytamo in the Sacred Valley, Lake Titicaca and, of course, Machu Picchu! I also visited and fell in love with the Peruvian Amazon, going through Iquitos and four hours upriver, and realized I did not allow enough time in the jungle. I want to return! I have not seen pink river dolphins and need better shots of the rare hoatzin bird as well as other wildlife and, of course, the people. I often travel alone, but when I do travel with friends or family, they often comment that my appetite to see and experience everything in an area is voracious. I'm hoping to have this opportunity to not only return to a place I love, but also to learn from a gifted and experienced photographer. I hope you'll consider me.

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