This is it, the logbook of the Pirates of the Cam, or to be more specific, of our pillage cruise in South-East Asia! In this very first log, I shall introduce the crew which has now been finally selected. We all turned to piracy last year in the little port of Cambidge, East Anglia. Voila, here they are:
- Eva is usually seen dressed all-black, though in SE Asia she announced a more colourful look so that we ourselves might not recognise her. Beyond her spikes she is a soft one who keeps the group together.
- Nora, though the whole crew is colourful and memorable, stands out through her fierce hand-made clothes and a habit to randomly walk around on her hands.
- Lisa, the tiny blonde, is one to be afraid of. She'd been known to walk jaguars around on a leash and she draws the poi quicker than any other scurvy dog out there.
- Jules, extravagant and dandy has a wild adventurous streak. And I mean it in an extreme English understatement way. With Julian's lead, our trip is bound to be either fatal or the best time of our lives.
- Ralf, with an air of cool and natural stylish hair is not one to be messed with. He will argue the fuck out of you to get his way.
- Burkhard is voice of reason within the group. His cigars and vests add to the vintage touch of wisdom and class.