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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

New Zealand | Saturday, January 12, 2013 | 4 photos

I am a physiotherapist and an avid amateur photographer, this is quickly becoming a great passion in my life. I am a country boy at heart and enjoy walking and biking to see more of the countryside and get away from the big city I have found myself in.
I love the buzz of capturing a moment that looks better on the photo then in my memory of that time. My gorgeous wife and little niece and nephew are my biggest inspirations at the moment and I love shots of them that will bring back found memories in years to come.
The more I get into photography the more amazing things I see everyday, I am driven to capture these sights in a way that can be appreciated by others. I not only love photography but also seeing photos and trying to figure out how I could improve on these.
My goal is to take beautiful photos that capture beauty in all forms and inspire people in a positive way.
From this experience I hope to learn to see things through a photographers eyes and how to capture these visions on photos. Also, I wish to gain insight in how I could build this passion into a career.
Thank you for this opportunity, all the best with your deliberations.

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