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Aspiring traveller seeks professional experience

My Scholarship entry - Global adventure begins...

Australia | Monday, November 24, 2014 | 5 photos

I have been an eager traveller for as long as I can remember, however my passion for photography truly blossomed when I was employed by Camp Carolina in the USA as their photographer for the whole summer season. I had the duty of capturing natural photos of the attending children while they played sport and other high adventure activities such as white-water rafting and rock climbing. Not only was I given a real insight into the technological aspects photography and editing, but also how to be creative in many situations, learning what makes a great photo.

I currently continue as an aspiring travel photographer, while I'm temporarily residing in Australia for the next year. I'm interested in the beautiful landscapes, the ever-changing colours of the sky, the unique wildlife, plus the bustling urban cities and their variety of people. Being given the chance to further my journey into the world of photography through this Amazon assignment would be an incredible opportunity, giving me necessary next step into a possible career. I am a curious adventurer and explorer, willing to take risks, pushing the boundaries in order to achieve the best possible aesthetic result.

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