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Trip: Brisbane

There are [26] stories from my trip: Brisbane

Day #5 (21-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 25 Mar 2007 | Views [454]

Day #5 Leaving Earl's Court Checking out of Earl's Court today.   I wanted to go for a final walk to "discover" Earl's Court before we left.   One thing about London (so far) is that there are no supermarkets anywhere.   No Coles, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #4 (20/3/2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 21 Mar 2007 | Views [276] | Comments [2]

Day #4: Ok, London people are definitely not as friendly as Australians (they don’t smile at each, and they don't smile at you - that is until you strike up a friendly conversation and then they are as friendly as).  I think the cold weather doesn’t ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #3 (19/03/2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 21 Mar 2007 | Views [450]

Day #3 Arriving at London Ouch!  13-14 hours on a plane, what a killer.  Thank God (again) for the movies-on-demand.  It seems now that people don’t measure flights in hours but rather how many movies it takes to watch (I watched "Stranger ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #2 (18/3/2007)

SINGAPORE | Monday, 19 Mar 2007 | Views [822]

Day #2 Singapore Breakfast time … brb! Ok, Breakfast seemed normal enough … apart from noodles and rice for brekky. Going to walk around lots today.  Must wear myself for London trip.  This will be a 14 hour trip, and the 7 hour trip to Singapore ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #1 (17/3/2007)

SINGAPORE | Monday, 19 Mar 2007 | Views [318]

Departing Brisbane The international airport isn't as advanced as the domestic airport.  There were no electronic check-in facilities :(, and it didn't seem as organized.  We bought some plug adapters at the airport but I was worried that they didn’t ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Monday, 19 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

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