HI! it's phil writing you you this time. you can probably already tell by the poor attempt at humour in the title.
so.. since we last joined you we have had many exciting and dangerous adventures. the morning after alex last updated she woke up at 6 and decided to do some research on what last minute things we could do in bham before our train trip at 1:30. So i was woken up with a SUPER excited alex 2 hours later who had discovered there was a nature park less than 20 minutes walk away through a giant park filled with flowers, ponds and ducks. pretty much perfect. so we said our tearfull goodbyes to urszula who had been such an amazing host, keeping us awake on the first day, feeding us like kings and generally being a lovely person. we went for our walk admired ducks etc and arrived at the nature park. we were pleasantly surprised it only cost £3! yay! so we went in and discovered we missed the targetted demographic by about 14 years. it was still lovely though seeing goaty things, sheepy things, giant rabbits, wallabies, giant owls and our definite favourites.. meerkats and otters!
so we spent hours there, got on our train after saying goodbye to john and bramble (the nicest scepurky(????????? no idea how to spell that, google was no help either because i couldnt get anything close enough for it to recognise) i know).
train was exciting english country side blah blah, the tube blah, more english country side then we arrived at polegate! another super cute little villagey place. we were met by alex's grandma anne who we were very excited to see and vise versa. we got into her car, she has only just started learning to drive again and i have been hearing the worst but it was a totally trouble free and relaxing drive back to pevensy bay to her lovely house where we have been for the last to days enjoying the lovely southern (mostly) sunnyness and again beeing fed like kings. today we went on a morning trip to ASDA! it's incredible! its absolutely enormous, it pretty much had its own suburb. for those who havent been to UK its a giant supermarket thing. kinda like kmart, woolworths and all the weird super specials of aldi in one convinient, absolutely huge, place. so cool. then we went to some historic castle... pfft nothing on asda.
i must run now because the bill is starting very soon and its the second part of a very exciting episode! (shoey should be very happy about this)
now i must appologise for making this sooooooo long but this whole blogging thing is very fun and exciting! i'll upload some photos after the bill.