My Photo scholarship 2011 entry
These photos were all taken from a trip to New York City, and they're my attempt at looking at the big apple from a slightly different angle, telling the smaller stories of the city.
Travelling is one of my greatest passions - and combining this with Photography creates such an amazing combination of adventure and reflection.
One of my favourite things to do while travelling is just to get lost, and see what I find. What I found this time was a recurring theme of connections. Whether these connections are between people getting married, the relationship between a person and a historic building, or just a girl playing with an insect - they all relate back to this theme.
My passion for photography started really young and it's no coming to the point where it's eating me alive. What drives me through life is the hunt for ultimate excitement - and I've found that travelling and capturing emotions, feelings and thoughts gives me this excitement. It's a great sense of fulfilment.
I really like Jason's approach to Photography - the idea that what you shoot is what you should see in the end. So it would be an enormous honour to be able to travel with him and learn as much as possible. Hopefully I would have something to contribute as well.
Link to flickr set:
Photo Galleries
Where I've been
My trip journals