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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Peru | Monday, June 24, 2013 | 5 photos

I am scared of the impermanence of life. For this reason, I have found that for me, photography is a healing process. I love taking photos for the simple fact that I can preserve an image or a moment. Even as time passes, I still have a reminder, one that I can share, of what has been. And this is why photography is one of my greatest passions.
Another passion of mine is the degree I am currently pursuing; Peace, Conflict, and Justice studies. Nonviolence and Social Justice are very important to me. I consider myself an activist, and hope that one day my photography will be a tool that aids in the process of bringing peace and understanding into the world.
These two passions lead me to believe that I would be a good candidate for the Travel Photography contest.
Though often my work tends to gravitate towards the human face and figure, I so desire to transform this into an art form that can make a political and social statement.
I am not a person who has been photographing their entire life. I am not the quickest photographer, or the bravest. But I see myself as a person who has the intense desire to learn more about how photography can bring about change. Please consider me.

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