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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Monday, December 24, 2012 | 5 photos

I fell in love with photography when I was about 14; I came across a book of photographs of people from all around the world, I think it was called ‘Friendship’, it had photos of people smiling, crying, talking, working, kids playing, etc. They were pictures of those private moments that no one else but you and your loved ones share and somehow this photographer had captured and was allowing me to share them also. And that is how Jason Edwards photographs makes me feel. Through photography class in school is where my foundation skills were formed however due to cutbacks that little window was squashed somewhat and I was forced by my teachers and family to focus on more academic endeavors. I went onto study graphic design at CATC where I was able to learn photographic editing skills and techniques from my amazing teachers and lecturers however I decided design wasn't for me so now I am studying at Macquarie Uni to become an Archaeologist. I have had some photographic training yet my status and portfolio is amateur and it would be a major highlight of my life to shadow Mr Edwards' in such a beautiful historic place as the Sultanate of Oman learning, seeing and experiencing all I can

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