About paulhertre
I Love people of Australia
very much. I was associated with the engineering firm in Australia Crooks,
Michell, Peackock Stewart Pyu in 1978 and we won a contract to build the Grain
Handling Plant at Veracruz Port in México to load and unload ships of 50,000
metric tons at a speed of 400 metric tons per hour. I would like to give to
Australia my effort to help Mexico as my gift to help the Noble people of
Australia. Please know my work at www.wix.com/paulhertre/educarmejorconmetodoprobado
and in my website www.wix.com/paulhertre/towardsnewamericapeaceresponsi
I want to give as my present to the Noble People of Australia my books: A)
Awareness the meaning od Life B) Be Responsible and our Final Trip and its
translation to Spanish language as C) Tomar Conciencia Única Solución para una
Mejor Vida and D) Ser Responsible y Nuestro Último Viaje. You may unload my 4
books from my Website above mentioned and print, copy and give as your personal
gift at no cost. I write with my pseudonym Paul Hertre and I give my authorization
to you because I am author of this work.