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Out of Africa

My Scholarship entry - Hidden Hospitality

Algeria | Monday, November 24, 2014 | 5 photos

Whenever I pull my camera away from my eye, I take a breath and hold it. When I review the shot, that breath hopes for so many things all at once. It hopes that I picked the right composition and that the subject is in focus. When I finally exhale upon review, there’s no greater feeling than knowing: I got the shot.

To me, “getting the shot” isn’t about total perfection. I'm not a perfect photographer. Sometimes, it's the perfect imperfections that tell the best story.

I travelled to Algeria, a predominantly Muslim country. I had pre-conceived notions of what life would be like in this country, especially notions of terrorism and violence against women. But what I found, and later what my camera would capture, was a very gentle population. Muslims are peaceful and they pride themselves on hospitality. It is this hospitality that is oftentimes hidden from the news we consume.

I want to be the kind of photographer that tells the stories that make people question their preconceived notions. The kind that tells the story no one was expecting. I have a lot to learn and a world left to explore in order to do this. But I am willing and ready and most importantly, eager to learn.

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